Digital British Islam Media Coverage 2022-

Links to articles referring to the project and its team:

BBC News, Hidden histories of British Muslim women revealed, 27 January 2024

Sylvia Hikins, Morning Star, Solidarity with our Muslim sisters, 10 Jan 2024

MWN TV, ‘Muslim Women in Britain 1850-1950: 100 Years of Hidden History’ (YouTube)

Ramadan FM, Talking Heads with Irfhan Mururajani (YouTube), Sadek Hamid: Baku conference on tackling Islamophobia is very strong statement on international stage, 9 Mar 2024

Khadijah Elshayyal and Laura Jones, The Conversation UK, How online Ramadan content has brought Muslim ideas around faith, worship and community into the mainstream, 4 Apr 2024

UWTSD Press Room, New Book Alert: “Islamic Algorithms: Online Influence in the Muslim Metaverse” by Professor Gary R. Bunt to be Released Next Month, 17 April 2024.

Newyddion PYCDDS, Hysbysiad am Lyfr Newydd: “Islamic Algorithms: Online Influence in the Muslim Metaverse” gan Yr Athro Gary R. Bunt i’w Ryddhau’r Mis Nesaf, 17 Ebrill 2024.

Archive-it Blog, Digital scholarship and the web: Learning from Muslim communities online, 22 May 2024

Dr Laura Jones discusses Ramadan: BBC, Dechrau Canmol (from about 17’20”).

Sadek Hamid, Hyphen Online, Social media influencers have no right to declare anyone an apostate, 2 May 2023

Burhan Wazir, Hyphen Online, Young, optimistic and devout — Gen Z Muslims in the UK, 29 Mar 2023 refers to Dr Khadijah Elshayyal and Dr Sadek Hamid

Prof. Gary R. Bunt discusses digital Islam on the Hyphenated podcast with Reya El-Salahi, which is also on Apple and Spotify:

UWTSD, Ystafell Newyddion, £800 mil o gyllid ESRC wedi ei rhoi i brosiect ymchwil newydd a arweinir gan y Drindod Dewi Sant, 22 Chwefror 2022

University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Press Release, £800k ESRC funding awarded to new UWTSD led research project, 22 February 2022,